BOOK Equivalents. States of Existence
Chèr(e)s amies, C'est avec grand plaisir que je vous invite au SALON DU CAL (Cercle Artistique de Luxembourg) du 02.11. au 17.11.2024. Vous pourrez y découvrir un triptyque de ma nouvelle série photographique, ainsi que les nouvelles oeuvres des autres participants, qui ont été sélectionnées par le Jury d’admission. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer! Amicalement, Cristina DIAS DE MAGALHAES
Available on my website - SHOP 🔴
Hardcover, Swiss binding 16,5 x 22,6 cm 96 pages 53 color illustrations English, French Available soon ISBN 978-3-96900-063-2 2022 Artist: Cristina Dias de Magalhães Texts: Dominique Baqué, Christian Gattinoni, Françoise Poos Design: Kehrer Design (Loreen Lampe)
Available on my website - SHOP 🔴
MOIS EUROPEEN DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE The birth of Victoria and Helena changed everything. Nothing is the same anymore. They are part of my world, my life, myself. We evolve side-by-side united by a unique bond. Through their gaze I rediscover the moments linked to early childhood. Joy of life, exploration of the environment, discovery of oneself and the others are depicted through diptychs, creating an imaginary and yet authentic encounter uniting the human and animal universe. Instincts are the basis for survival, and the relationship we build with others, the environment and the planet define our humanity. I started Instincts. Same but different as the silent observer of my daughters’ explorations, encounters, and nascent dyad. Instead, it has been the process to redefine myself as a woman, a mother and an artist.
European Month of Photography Luxembourg CATALOGUE 2021, p.95.
EXHIBITION / EXPOSITION @ Centre d'Art Nei Liicht 16.01.2021-21.02.2021
The birth of Victoria and Helena changed everything. Nothing is the same anymore. They are part of my world, my life, myself. We evolve side-by-side united by a unique bond. Through their gaze I rediscover the moments linked to early childhood. Joy of life, exploration of the environment, discovery of oneself and the others are depicted through diptychs, creating an imaginary and yet authentic encounter uniting the human and animal universe. Instincts are the basis for survival, and the relationship we build with others, the environment and the planet define our humanity. I started Instincts. Same but different as the silent observer of my daughters’ explorations, encounters, and nascent dyad. Instead, it has been the process to redefine myself as a woman, a mother and an artist.
EXHIBITION / EXPOSITION @ Centre d'Art Nei Liicht 16.01.2021-21.02.2021
The birth of Victoria and Helena changed everything. Nothing is the same anymore. They are part of my world, my life, myself. We evolve side-by-side united by a unique bond. Through their gaze I rediscover the moments linked to early childhood. Joy of life, exploration of the environment, discovery of oneself and the others are depicted through diptychs, creating an imaginary and yet authentic encounter uniting the human and animal universe. Instincts are the basis for survival, and the relationship we build with others, the environment and the planet define our humanity. I started Instincts. Same but different as the silent observer of my daughters’ explorations, encounters, and nascent dyad. Instead, it has been the process to redefine myself as a woman, a mother and an artist.
IMAGO LISBOA 2020 Catalogue p. 64-67. (ISBN 978-989-33-0881-3)
IMAGO LISBOA 2020 Catalogue p. 64-67. (ISBN 978-989-33-0881-3)
Salon Turbulences - 27 au 29 février 2020
Salon Turbulences - 27 au 29 février 2020
European Month of Photography Luxembourg CATALOGUE 2019, p.39.
European Month of Photography Luxembourg CATALOGUE 2019, p.39.